In today’s tutorial we just went over any last changes that needed to be made to Fare Thee Well. There were a few issues raised with mixing and adding more instrumentation so I’m going to work on that before submitting.
Category: Tutorials
Tutorial 8: 08/12/17
Today I brought in tracks for David to listen to. The first 2 pieces were going to be used in the film as diegetic music and I had made a start on making them sound like old records but as they weren’t actually aged sounds David suggested I play more with each instrument and saturate them and compress the drums a lot more to get them sounding like old recordings. The third piece I showed was my ambient piece it’s a stretched out clock tick full of pops and clicks and other generally undesirable sounds but with a huge reverb they sound less irritating and blend into the piece. David said to watch out for the low end on this piece as it is only being used to play through commercial speakers I should mix it to work appropriately on them.
Tutorial 7: 01/12/17
This week we talked about the pieces I have made so far and I showed David some examples of what I was working on. The first was a demo of the ambient piece I am making for Stonethrow Films. It was made of samples from the clocks I’d taken while location recording, David said it sounded a bit techno and to check with my clients if they were happy with the direction I was going. I also showed him the big band piece I had started to make for the end of the film. it was a really low quality iphone recording but it had the quality of an old record player. For next week David has asked that I bring in better quality recordings of the pieces and to have them more fleshed out.
Tutorial 6: 17/11/17
In this session we talked about what I had been doing with my production group on set and where I’m at with my pieces. From location recording I collected recordings of all the clocks in the house to use in my score. For my other two pieces I have demos of what I am working on but no pieces to really show yet as they’re still far from done they’re just rough works. I’ve also been given a list of requirements off Stonethrow Films. As there isn’t as much music being made as I initially thought David has given me another short film to compose some music for. It’s a short film called Fare Thee Well, it has all the sound except for music so I just need to compose some pieces for it.
Tutorial 5: 27/10/17
Carrying on from what we talked about last week in this weeks tutorial we discussed what I am actually doing for Stonethrow and what they needed in terms of music. David told me I had to meet with them and have a spotting session and to update my aims and objectives to reflect what I’m going to be doing for them. I’ve also got to get a document with what they want, with examples of music, descriptions of where and how the music will be used.